Fortis Healthcare Limited, a leading healthcare consultant in India has a vision of “creating a world-class integrated healthcare delivery system in India, entailing the finest medical skills combined with compassionate patient care”. From the pursuit of this mission emanates a passion to excel. At Fortis Healthcare we have assembled the finest talents in medicine, be they doctors, nurses or technicians, and even management professionals across a wide spectrum. Enabling them to deliver the highest quality of healthcare are state-of-the art facilities and support infrastructure at each of our hospitals. Fortis Healthcare Limited is one of the leading chain of Hospitals and a leader in healthcare consultancy in India which are benchmarked to International standards – achieving quality through the relentless adherence to the protocols observed in some of the world’s leading hospitals. The hallmark of Fortis hospitals, distinguishing them from their contemporaries, is the ‘patient-centricity’ that you will discern all over: in hospital design, services, programmes and most significantly in the caring approach of our people. The Fortis Healthcare circle of caring is fast expanding, spreading the name of Fortis Healthcare, India… reaching out to distant communities, welcoming patients from beyond India’s shores. In its continuous effort to be the number one in healthcare consultancy, Fortis has expanded its wings into foreign shores with an aim to provide quality and affordable healthcare starting its journey from Mauritius.