Bladder Cancer Treatment in India
Bladder Cancer is cancer which is produced in the tissues of the urinary bladder. Bladder cancer has an uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells in your bladder. This cancer usually starts in the lining of your bladder and can be spread through the lining into your muscular bladder wall. Invasive bladder cancer can also spread to your other different organs of the body such as lungs or liver. The exact cause of the bladder cancer is still unknown.
Available options for Bladder Cancer Treatment in Delhi
Delhi is a city which has the best available options for the Bladder Cancer Treatment in Delhi. The following are the treatment options:
- A) Early- Stage Bladder Cancer Treatment in Delhi: The following are the early-stage Bladder Cancer Treatment in Delhi:
(i) Surgery to remove tumor: Your surgeon will perform the surgery in which they will remove your bladder cancer which is located in your inner bladder layer which is known as transurethral resection (TUR). Your surgeon performs the surgical procedure by passing a small wire loop through a cystoscope into your bladder and the cancer cells are burned due to an electric current is given by the loop.
(ii) Surgery to remove the tumor and a part of the bladder: Your surgeon will perform the segmental cystectomy in which the part of your bladder which contains the cancer cells will remove and the people who have cancer which is limited to one specific area of the bladder are benefited by this surgery. Your surgeon then easily removes the cancer without causing any damage to the bladder function.
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B) Later-Stage Bladder Cancer Treatment in Delhi: The following are the later-stage Bladder Cancer Treatment in Delhi:
(i) Surgery to remove entire bladder: Your surgeon will perform the Radical cystectomy in which they will remove your complete bladder along with nearby lymph nodes. In the case of women your surgeon will remove her part of the vagina, uterus or ovaries and in the case of men; they will remove seminal vesicles and prostate.
(ii) Surgery for creating a new way for urine from your body: This is a new way for Bladder Cancer Treatment in Delhi where your surgeon will create a new way to push out your urine. This new way will be created by your surgeon immediately after the radical cystectomy. There are many other options are available for Bladder Cancer Treatment in Delhi, however, that depends on the situation and on your preferences. Your surgeon will create a tube by using a piece of the intestine that runs from your kidneys to the outside of your body. The urine then drains and gets collected into a pouch which you are wearing on your abdomen.
Bladder Cancer Treatment Cost in India
Bladder Cancer Treatment can be very expensive in western countries whereas the Bladder Cancer Treatment Cost in India is available at much-depreciated prices. Bladder Cancer Treatment in India have a huge success rate which is around 80 to 90% and that is because of the availability of highly skilled and experienced surgeons.
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